Twiddler - wearing the legends off the keys


29 Apr 2011, 17:03

I bought a Twiddler 2.1 from last year.
Within a week of practice I managed to otaku one of the keys. This isn't really a problem as the keys face away from you.

Looking at!/Handykey, it's clear that the problem has caused a few complaints. It's not much of a surprise that the solution has overrun, version 2 of the chording device as pretty much vapourware...


13 Jul 2011, 23:57

I got my replacement keys yesterday. Tekgear sent them to me without any fuss or payment.


I'm tempted to not fit them. I don't look at the keys anyway. But then, it's a bit disrespectful to tekgear to request them just for the hell of having them.
Last edited by hoggy on 14 Jul 2011, 06:54, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

14 Jul 2011, 00:07

Ooh, but they look so nice in their plastic frame like.. like pieces of a miniature aircraft.

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