Ione Scorpius M10 - bhtooefr (1)

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02 Apr 2012, 11:49

I'm well aware that this is an older review, originally posted 2009-01-29, but I'm migrating all of my reviews to Deskthority.

Well, this just came in the mail today...

First impressions are all that I'll post right now.

Packaging seemed decent enough.

The locating bumps on the keys are very nice.

Tactility is less than I recall the Das III being.

Longer keys are occasionally a bit hard to press.

The keys are very, very light, and it'll take a while for me to get used to the thing.

Off-center presses occasionally cause failed strokes.

I'm liking that it's light.

Strokes aren't as smooth as I'd like them to be, but maybe that'll improve with time.

Noise level is very low, fine with me... although sometimes some keys wouldn't click. I'm trying to find if there's a click associated with a failed stroke or if there's successful strokes associated with no click - either way, it would mean that blues have some issues.


02 Apr 2012, 15:56

Scorpius has evolved into the Qpad (all renamed clone companies of the former oldie, Qtronix).

Similar crappy quality though. Same horrible customer service.

The Solutors favorite keyboard.

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02 Apr 2012, 22:41

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the thing now.

It was shorting out the entire USB randomly on the system it was connected to, so I swapped in my EnduraPro.

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